01 May 2008

Mai Tag

Mai Tag or May Day is celebrated differently around the world. I remember as a child running around leaving flowers on the neighbors front step. Whether I was suppose to be doing that or for what purpose remains a mystery but that is what i did on May Day never the less. In Austria the make an all day event of it. In fact everyone has a day off for Mai Tag! The entire town shows up in traditional dress, Lederhosens and Dirndls. There is an all day feast with delicious food, beer and music! Traditionally the May Day celebration was a competition between towns. Men from villages would compete to see who could put up the largest May Pole. The pole was the largest pine tree the villagers could find. The pole is striped of all it's branches and bark. The May Pole would remain up all year and any visitor who came to town would see the pole and know how strong that particular village's men were and spread the word not to mess with the best! Below is a couple of photos from last years May Day!

My favorite man of the day: the beer man!!

Looks kind of heavy! How will they do it?

Awwww I see the secret weapons!

Its getting there.
Higher, Higher

Almost there!

Taking a much needed beer break!

Taa Daa! Sweet Sweaty Success!!

Now the fun really starts. After the May Pole is up and sturdy in the ground generally the men of the village strip down to their skivvies. Once striped the men then attempt to be the one to scale/shimmy to the highest point on the slipper May Pole! (see the pic at the very top)Rewards...............your pick of the village girl and bragging rights for a year!

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