27 March 2008

Traveling to Singapore?

For a creative night sleep check out this art hotel while taking in the sights and flavors of Singapore!

31-37 Bukit Pasoh Rd.



from $200

Victory to the Spaniards! David Villa scored one goal to push Spain to a 1 - 0 win over the Italian world champs!

Vic B's yummy hubby!

Even though David Beckham is playing for a US team now he has no intention of waving farewell to the England national team after reaching 100 international appearances.



As our country continues to struggle in Iraq the importance of looking to the International Community for advice and help becomes more apparent to us all. (except for our government officials) I have been trying to keep up with the politics and the constantly deteriorating situation but I must admit that at times I am so dishearten and disgusted that I no longer want to pay attention. When I feel this way it is even more important to pay even closer attention because what about the people that are living it day to day hour to hour. I can not imagine what their lives are like. We have a combination of problems. Our "leaders" if you can call them that are ignoring much of the situation as well as many of the citizens in our country.

I have found it helpful to read the news from other countries as I feel they present a more diverse view of the situation. A blog written by Deborah Haynes the Baghdad correspondent for The Times. (http://timesonline.typepad.com/inside_iraq_weblog/) She provides a daily look into what life is like in Iraq. She reports on stories ranging from soldiers running marathons, snakes in the bathroom and most importantly the people of Iraq. Her blog is readable, insightful and informative.

Lets all hope this conflict will find a solution that costs the least amount of lives on both sides. I personally would like to be able to travel to that part of the world safely on day and experience all that the culture there has to offer. Here's to hoping!

Surfs Up!

Yes, all I can think about is warm weather and its activities. Here is a blog to get you excited!


why we should all love VB!

She looks fierce in a bag!!

burrr its cold out there!

Surfing in Europe in the winter!! Cold Cold Cold!! Even though I grew up in New England I would never have imagined jumping into any of the lakes, ponds or rivers, that are abundant here, during the cold winter days. Apparently in Europe that is exactly what many people are up to. For those who are heading to Europe for and extended stay and can not go 4 or more months with out riding a wave there are several options in Europe to flex your surfing muscles. Pictured above is the standing wave in the English Gardens of Munich, Germany! In the winter the surfing community of Germany enjoys keeping up their skills on this wave.

Another even colder option is to head north to Ireland. When I say north I mean north. Almost at the top of norther Ireland (but not in Northern Ireland) in the town of Bundoran a surfing community is beginning to emerge. Not the kind with dude man or itsy bitsy bikinis but full lengthen insulated high tech head to toe wet suits. Even after all that gear I am still cold thinking about it! There are several surf shops and the locals are welcoming! They are just psyched to share the waves with any one willing to stand the cold with them.

If you are looking for a more traditional option hit up Biarritz, France. It is one of the destinations on my list. It was immortalized in the surfing movie Endless Summer II.